Welcome to the SSO demo

This page shows the two main ways you can enable "login with GoCardless" functionality. It's pointed at an example Partner Application on live-staging.

For more information about SSO, please check out our internal guide. This source code can be found on GitHub: gocardless/sso-demo

Implicit flow

The implicit flow is primarily designed for applications which need to authenticate the user but perform no further actions using the GoCardless API (or if they already captured an access token using the code flow before).

For example, if you had a simple dashboard which has internal APIs communicating with payments-service (using shared secrets, for example), you won’t need an access token from GoCardless.

Try the implicit flow

Code flow

This flow works just like a regular OAuth 2.0 code flow, with the addition that, after requesting an access token in exchange for your code, we’ll also send back an identity token, which contains additional information about the user/organisation, like their email or access permissions level.

You’ll want this experience if you also need to call GoCardless APIs using the app access token, for example to view & modify payments data.

Try the code flow